Find your village!
We all know the benefits of exercise. We know we will sleep better, have more energy, boosted self-confidence, lower risk of heart disease, and increase positive mood (among other things). We also know the benefits of friendships. We know we will have a more positive outlook, increase our ability to cope with upsets, increase our motivation, and generally be more happy people. What a lot of people don’t know is the dynamic effect of blending exercise and friends. I’m going to tell you about the time I experienced this powerful combination for myself. What Baby Bliss?Rewind 19 months ago in my life and you would find a frazzled, hungry, sleep-deprived new mother who desperately needed a shower. I was in the shock of my life. Where was the glorious baby bliss I had been expecting? Maybe it was hiding with that elusive sleep I had been seeking. I was utterly confused, questioning my every move, and mostly lonely. Having a baby had turned my world upside down. It was a total upheaval of my life. Finding My VillageI knew the facts. I knew exercise would help me. I knew talking to friends would help me. It was just doing it. Thankfully, I had a wonderful friend who invited me to visit her group of mom-friends. They welcomed me with open arms. They nodded in complete understanding when I calculated the miniscule amount of sleep during the past week. They answered the questions that had perplexed me for months. Most of all, they encouraged me. I left feeling hopeful, empowered, and supported. For the first time, I felt I could do this mom-thing and that I wasn’t alone. These people became my village.Getting Back in the SwingI also started working out again. There’s something about sweating, breathing hard, and burning muscles that makes you feel accomplished. Exercising is also a huge mood booster. Gradually, life started to make more sense and we established a new normal. Then, something happened that changed my world. I attended my first stroller class. It was everything I loved rolled into one. Moms. Babies. Sweat. Talking. Laughing. More Sweat. Endorphins. I left feeling on top of the world. Not only did I get a great workout, but I was with my baby, and I had made so many new mom-friends. That was the beginning of my adventure with Oh Baby Fitness Central AR. I knew I wanted to provide other mothers a way to exercise that was fun, uplifting, and empowering.
Why Group FitnessEverything is better with friends. Exercising is no exception. Benefits of group fitness are:
- Better performance. You will push harder in a group people versus working out alone.
- Longevity. You will stick with your exercise regimen longer.
- Consistency. You will be held accountable. Text messages from your friends asking, “Where were you today?” is highly motivating.
- FUN. It’s easier to endure burning muscles when you can laugh through the exercise.
- Comradery. When you complete a tough workout together, an instant bond is created.
- Sky High Endorphins. You will get endorphins (feel good chemical) from working out + the extra endorphins from being around friends.
It’s TimeIf you’re reading this, you’re probably a mommy. You understand the struggle of wanting to exercise but not finding the time. You might be long overdue for some friend-time. You understand what it means to sacrifice. You’ve been putting someone else’s needs above your own for so long, I doubt you recognize it. It’s time to do something for you. I’m giving you permission. Let’s start with exercising. Know of any friends who want to work out with you? I do! I can't wait for you to join us,Maggie Glover Ready to join the Oh Baby Family now? Visit us online at Oh Baby Arkansas or on Facebook for more information. We have prenatal classes too!